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Online Retail

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Online retail experience, as opposed to the traditional one, involves a different set of values and criteria that play an important role in the overall customer experience. Delivery times availability and punctuality, web site design, product availability and order accuracy all contribute to customer satisfaction but what maters the most to the online customers?

comparison of physical vs online retail experience

​Analysing retailer's data available our proprietary AI solution works out the most important values. In the example below, one of such values is 'Missing Items' which has a NPS negative impact of -14.1 points, resulting in the negative revenue of -2,397 Euros.

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In addition to working out what maters the most to the online customers, the AI Optimised Customer Experience Management solution shows the number of customers at risk, and the amount of revenue at risk. For each customer at risk a reason for their dissatisfaction is identified.

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In the example below, the link between the value - 'Delivery Time Accuracy', and its impact on NPS and Revenue is shown. The difference in time, indicated on the horizontal axis, varies between 'early'/'too early', (-50 to -100min) on the left, and 'late'/'too late' (50-100min), on the right. For an instance, an impact of 'too early'(- 100min), is reflected in -5 points of NPS; an impact of 'too late' (100min) in -15M of revenue. The impact in connection to both areas will vary according to the fluctuations in the 'Delivery Time Accuracy'.

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As a result of data analysis performed by our proprietary AI solution and the consulting support provided by us, the retailer will instantly know how much money they will gain if they improve the 'Delivery Time Accuracy' or any other values which matter to the customer the most.

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