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Traditional banks and banking systems are facing an increasing competition, their main competitors being neo banks such as WISE, N26. Therefore, in the current business environment, it is paramount that the traditional banks understand whether they are serving their existing customers in the right way, and where and how the service provided can be improved. One of the main question perhaps being what impacts clients' satisfaction.


With the help of our AI Optimised Customer Experience Management solution paired with human touch of our consulting traditional banks can proactively solve any potential clients' related 'problems' before they even arise. 

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Hotel and hospitality related businesses, especially luxury hotels, but not only, can particularly benefit from the application of the Be Customer Smart proprietary AI Optimised Customer Experience Management solution.


Led by provision of unique experiences, hotels and hospitality businesses need to know what matters most to their clients. Knowing this, helps identify potential areas of improvements as well as their impact on the overall financial and otherwise performance. Our AI Optimised Customer Experience Management solution paired with human touch of our consulting is the best way to achieve this.

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Online retail experience, as opposed to the traditional one, involves a different set of values and criteria that play an important role in the overall customer experience. Unlike traditional shopping which success is determined by the proximity of an outlet, its ambiance, selection, and product prices, the online retail experience, among others, is judged by availability, accuracy, and speed and efficiency of orders' delivery. 

Our AI Optimised Customer Experience Management solution paired with human touch of our consulting aids online retailers in showing what the most critical products are, how well replacing of the missing items works, and the delivery accuracy impacts such a crucial factor of whether the customers stay with the retailer or not.

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Traditional insurance companies, similarly to traditional banking systems, face an increasing competition from the online insurance platforms. To stay on top of the game they need to understand whether they are serving their existing customers in the right way, and where and how the service provided can be improved. One of the main question is what keeps insurance clients loyal and why.

With the help of our AI Optimised Customer Experience Management solution paired with human touch of our consulting traditional insurance companies can learn what areas are in need of improvement and what can benefit from innovating

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